Wool Machines – Wonders in Motion!

Immersive tour where the Mill comes to life and animates before your amazed eyes.

With our permanent exhibition Wool Machines – Wonders in Motion! relive the era of the first textile industries that settled in the Val Saint-François from the early 19th century.

For you, the Mill comes back to life and recreates the atmosphere of a shop, a workshop where oil mixes with sweat. The restoration work of the Blanchette Mill has allowed us to put back into operation several of our impressive machines (carder, spinner, shredder, etc.).

Dating back to 1840, the mill is classified as a heritage building by the government of Quebec and boasts architectural peculiarities typical of wooden and stone constructions from that time.

Les représentations

Single departure per day. 12h00

By reservation only!

  • Presentation of the fascinating history of the Mill’s restoration (12-minute video presentation)
  • Guided tour of the machine rooms Presentation of the functions of period machinery following the stages of wool transformation
  • Présentation de l’histoire étonnante de la restauration du Moulin (présentation vidéo de 12 minutes