Exploring local heritage: Visit the Ulverton Wool Mill

The Ulverton Wool Mill is an industrial museum located in the heart of the Eastern Townships. We offer a variety of outdoor activities for the whole family.

Come and discover Quebec’s industrial history in a beautiful setting. Dating back to 1840, the mill is a classified heritage building by the Government of Quebec and boasts architectural features characteristic of the wooden and stone constructions of that era. For you, the Mill comes back to life and recreates the atmosphere of a shop, a workshop where oil mingles with sweat. The restoration work on the Blanchette Mill has enabled several of our impressive machines (carder, spinner, shredder, etc.) to be put back into operation.

Coming up events

Mother’s Day Brunch

25 May 10 h 00 - 13 h 00

Prepared by ODIKA, in a unique setting, with the sound of the gently flowing river, come and enjoy our brunches every Sunday. Rain or shine, [...]

English tea in the Eastertownship

2 July 13 h 00 - 17 h 00

Immerse Yourself in a Unique Experience Celebrating Quebec’s Culinary and Cultural Heritage Join us for an exclusive tasting experience featuring a locally blended tea and [...]

English tea in the Eastertownship

3 July 13 h 00 - 17 h 00

Immerse Yourself in a Unique Experience Celebrating Quebec’s Culinary and Cultural Heritage Join us for an exclusive tasting experience featuring a locally blended tea and [...]

“Wool artisans, guardians of our heritage, uphold a craftsmanship that continues to provide us with unparalleled comfort even today. ”

Our exhibitions

Exposition Avant de perdre le fil - Visite réalité augmentée auto-guidée - Moulin à laine d'Ulverton - Musée patrimoniale, site historique industriel de transformation de la laine en Estrie

Innovating AR tour

A Stitch in Time

Showings every 30 minutes, between 10 am and 3 pm. Augmented reality. Accompanied by a character concerned about never seeing the machines running again, the visitor embarks on an adventure to preserve the memory of the place and the industrial heritage of the Old Wool Mill

Exposition En avant les machines! visites guidées - Moulin à laine d'Ulverton - Musée patrimoniale, site historique industriel de transformation de la laine en Estrie

Guided tour

Wool Machine Wonders in Motion!

Only one departure per day. Experience an immersive visit where the Mill comes to life and animates before your amazed eyes. With our permanent exhibition ‘Wool Machine Wonders in Motion!’, relive the era of the first textile industries that settled in the Val Saint-François region from the early 19th century.

Plan your visit to the
Ulverton Wool Mill

Flock Talk – Sponsor a Sheep

Sheep sponsorship at the mill is a unique experience that allows you to support our micro-farm while creating a personal connection with one of our adorable sheep. By becoming a sponsor, you play an important role in the well-being of our animals by feeding and sheltering them in comfortable and secure facilities.

Table de la Bergère

Starting from June 7, 2024

Welcome to the ‘Table de la Bergère,’ a space where conviviality and culinary discovery come together to offer a unique experience to each guest.

Our shared platters are designed to take you on a gastronomic journey through the most delectable flavors, carefully and creatively brought together by our passionate chef.

An Enchanting Venue for Your Wedding or Event

The Ulverton Wool Mill is the perfect place to celebrate a wedding, anniversary, or any other event you want to make memorable. With its historically classified building by the Quebec Ministry of Culture, its river, covered bridge, suspension bridge, and beautiful forest, crossed by five kilometers of trails, the Ulverton Wool Mill site is truly unique in Quebec.

Educational Escapades: Group Edition

Possibility of visits in May, June, September, and October. Includes guided tour of the Wool Mill and access to the trails. For the off-season period, groups can have access to the Mill every day of the week.

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Make a Contribution

Make a voluntary contribution to support the preservation of our local heritage, our museum, and the conservation of traditional craftsmanship.

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