L'atelier de filage au rouet est reporté au 25 mai à 10h
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Prepared by ODIKA, in a unique setting, with the sound of the gently flowing river, come and enjoy our brunches every Sunday. Rain or shine, we offer brunch service every Sunday throughout the summer season, from Mother’s Day to Thanksgiving. For groups of more than 8 people, please contact: Communication@moulin.ca

There are two services: the first is from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, and the second is from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.

The Mill is pleased to offer weekly community brunches to all its members and visitors AT THE PRICE OF $44. If you need to cancel your reservation, you have up to 72 hours before the event to do so without charge. If you fail to do so within this time frame, a 50% fee of the brunch cost will be charged. If you do not attend the event, it will be considered a late cancellation, and 100% of the fees will be charged. We hope you understand our cancellation policy. We aim to provide an exceptional experience to all our members during our community brunches, and this policy helps us plan better and ensure a quality experience for everyone. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Reservations are mandatory, at least 24 hours in advance via our online booking platform ONLY.

Book now on our online ticketing platform!

Menu Brunchs Moulin

Partageons l’harmonie : un brunch, mille saveurs, une communauté unie.

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